tips for keeping your team engaged in remote setting

A shift to remote work has enabled businesses to access talent from around the world. It also reduced overhead costs, and offer employees greater flexibility. According to Rapid Brians, as the remote work trend continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important for organizations to adapt their practices. It is crucial to engage remote employees and maintain productive workforce.

A study by Global Workplace Analytics estimates that 25-30% of the workforce will be working remotely multiple days a week by the end of 2023.

Importance of employee engagement in remote settings

Employee engagement is crucial in remote working as it directly affects productivity, satisfaction, and retention. A Gallup study found that remote workers engaged with businesses show 21% greater profitability, while disengaged employees cost companies an estimated $450-$550 billion per year in lost productivity.

In a remote work environment, keeping employees engaged can be more challenging due to factors such as isolation, lack of face-to-face interaction, and potential communication barriers. Therefore, organizations must develop and implement strategies to ensure their remote teams remain engaged and motivated.

II. The Importance of Employee Engagement in Remote Work

A. Remote work engagement statistics

Remote work engagement statistics demonstrate the significance of employee engagement in a remote setting. A study conducted by Haiilo found that companies with high levels of remote employee engagement outperformed those with lower engagement by 81% in terms of productivity and 103% in terms of revenue growth. These statistics indicate that employee engagement is a critical factor in the success of remote work environments.

B. The impact of engagement on productivity and performance

Employee engagement has a direct impact on productivity and performance in remote work settings. According to a Gallup study, engaged employees are 17% more productive and experience 41% lower absenteeism compared to their disengaged counterparts.

Engaged remote employees are more likely to be committed to their work, take fewer sick days, and contribute to better team performance. This, in turn, leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased revenue, better work life balance and a more successful remote work environment.

C. Benefits of maintaining an engaged remote workforce

Maintaining an engaging remote offers numerous benefits for both employees and organizations. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Higher employee satisfaction and retention: Engaged remote workers feel more satisfied with their jobs and are less likely to seek new opportunities elsewhere. A study by Willis Towers Watson found that companies with high employee engagement had a 26% lower employee turnover rate.
  • Improved collaboration and innovation: Engaged remote employees are more likely to collaborate effectively with their colleagues, resulting in increased innovation and creative problem-solving.
  • Cost savings: Engaged remote employees are more often productive employees and require less supervision, reducing the need for managerial oversight and saving on operational costs.
  • Stronger company culture: When remote employees are engaged and feel connected to their organization’s values and goals, they are more likely to contribute positively to the company culture, creating a stronger and more cohesive work environment.
  • Enhanced employer reputation: Companies with highly engaged remote workforces are often seen as desirable places to work, attracting top talent and improving their competitive edge in the marketplace.

III. Establishing a Strong Remote Work Culture

A. Defining company values and expectations

Establishing a strong remote work culture starts with defining the company’s values and expectations. Organizations should communicate their core principles, mission, and vision to remote employees and ensure that they understand how their work contributes to the company’s overall goals.

For example, GitLab, a fully remote company, emphasizes their values of collaboration, results, efficiency, and diversity to create a shared understanding among employees and drive the company culture.

B. Encouraging open communication and transparency

Open communication and transparency are essential for fostering trust and engagement in remote work settings. Companies can promote open communication by using various virtual communication tools, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom, for team discussions and regular check-ins.

Additionally, organizations can hold regular all-hands meetings or virtual town halls to share company updates and encourage employees to ask questions and provide feedback.

Buffer, a remote-first company, practices transparency by making internal documents, financial information, and product roadmaps accessible to all employees, fostering trust and promoting a sense of ownership among team members.

C. Promoting a sense of belonging and inclusivity

Creating an environment of belonging and inclusivity is crucial for keeping remote employees engaged and connected to the company culture. This can be achieved by encouraging employees to share their personal stories, backgrounds, and perspectives, as well as celebrating cultural diversity and promoting inclusion initiatives.

Remote organizations can also offer employee resource groups, mentorship programs, and regular team-building activities to foster connections among team members. For example, InVision, a remote design software company, hosts virtual coffee breaks and team events to build camaraderie and promote a sense of belonging among its distributed workforce.

III. Establishing a Strong Remote Work Culture

A. Defining company values and expectations

To build a strong remote work culture, it’s essential to define and communicate company values and expectations clearly. This helps ensure that remote employees understand the organization’s core principles and goals, and it guides their actions and decision-making.

Companies can create a culture handbook or dedicate an internal website section to outline their mission, vision, values, and expectations. Regularly discussing these topics during team meetings and performance evaluations can help reinforce their importance and keep remote employees aligned with the company’s culture.

B. Encouraging open communication and transparency

Open communication and transparency play a vital role in fostering trust and engagement in remote work settings. Companies can establish clear communication guidelines, including preferred channels, response times, and protocols for different types of information. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom can be utilized for team discussions, regular check-ins, and video conferences.

Organizations should also promote transparency by sharing relevant company updates, financial information, and project progress with remote employees. This openness helps create a sense of ownership and trust among team members, contributing to a stronger remote work culture.

C. Promoting a sense of belonging and inclusivity

Creating a sense of belonging and inclusivity is crucial for keeping remote employees engaged and connected to the company culture. Employers can facilitate this by actively encouraging employees to share their personal stories, backgrounds, and perspectives. Celebrating cultural diversity and promoting inclusion initiatives can help create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Companies can also organize regular virtual team-building activities, such as online games, virtual coffee breaks, or themed video conferences, to foster connections among team members and promote a sense of belonging within the remote workforce.

IV. Implementing Effective Communication Practices

A. Leveraging virtual communication tools

Effective communication practices are essential for maintaining an engaged remote workforce. Companies should utilize various virtual communication tools to facilitate seamless collaboration among team members.

Tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom can help remote employees stay connected, collaborate on projects, and conduct video conferences. These platforms enable employees to share ideas, ask questions, and provide updates, ensuring that everyone is on the same page, regardless of their physical location.

B. Regular check-ins and virtual meetings

Scheduling regular check-ins and virtual meetings is another crucial aspect of effective communication in remote work settings. Managers should hold weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one meetings with their team members to discuss project updates, address any concerns, and provide feedback.

Additionally, virtual team meetings can help maintain a sense of unity and purpose among the group. These meetings should have a clear agenda, encourage open discussion, and allow for time to celebrate successes and address any challenges the other team member may be facing.

C. Encouraging informal communication and social interactions

Informal communication and social interactions are vital for building strong relationships among remote employees and fostering a sense of belonging. Companies can create dedicated channels within their communication tools for non-work-related conversations, allowing employees to share personal updates, discuss common interests, or celebrate special occasions.

Initiating virtual coffee breaks, happy hours, or themed events can also provide opportunities for remote employees to socialize, unwind, and develop camaraderie with their colleagues. Encouraging these informal interactions helps create a more connected and engaged remote workforce.

V. Providing the Right Tools and Resources for Remote Work

A. Collaborative software and project management tools

To keep remote employees engaged and productive, it is essential to provide them with the right tools and resources. Collaborative software, such as Google Workspace or Microsoft 365, allows team members to work together on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real time. Project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Basecamp can help remote employees stay organized, prioritize tasks, and track progress. By providing access to these tools, companies can facilitate efficient collaboration and streamline work processes among their remote teams.

B. Ensuring access to necessary resources and information

Remote employees should have easy access to all the resources and information they need to perform their tasks effectively. This includes company policies, guidelines, training materials, and any other relevant documents. Employers can create a centralized online repository, such as an intranet or shared drive, where employees can find the resources they need.

Regularly updating and maintaining this repository ensures that remote workers always have up-to-date information at their fingertips, minimizing potential delays or miscommunications.

C. Addressing technical challenges and providing IT support

Technical challenges can hinder remote employees’ productivity and engagement. To mitigate these issues, companies should provide remote workers with reliable hardware, software, and a secure internet connection. It is also crucial to have a dedicated IT support team available to assist remote employees with any technical problems they may encounter.

Providing prompt and efficient IT support helps ensure that remote workers can overcome technical challenges quickly and maintain their focus on their tasks, contributing to a more engaged and productive remote workforce.

VI. Encouraging Professional Growth and Development

A. Offering online training and development opportunities

Supporting the professional growth and development of remote employees is crucial for maintaining their engagement and motivation. Companies can offer a variety of online training and development opportunities, such as e-learning courses, webinars, or virtual workshops.

 By providing access to these resources, organizations help their remote workers stay up-to-date with industry trends, acquire new skills, and grow within their roles. This, in turn, can lead to higher job satisfaction and better overall performance.

B. Facilitating mentorship and peer support

Mentorship and peer support are powerful tools for enhancing the professional growth of remote employees. Companies can create mentorship programs that pair experienced team members with newer employees, fostering knowledge sharing and personal development.

Additionally, organizations can encourage peer support by setting up virtual interest groups or online forums where employees can discuss their work, share advice, and learn from each other’s experiences. These initiatives can contribute to a strong sense of community and support among remote team members, leading to increased engagement and job satisfaction.

C. Providing clear career progression paths

Clear career progression paths are essential for keeping remote employees motivated and engaged in their work. Companies should establish well-defined job levels and career paths, along with the required skills and qualifications for each role.

Regular performance evaluations and discussions with managers can help remote employees understand their current standing within the organization and identify opportunities for growth. By providing a clear roadmap for career advancement, organizations demonstrate their commitment to employee development and foster a more engaged remote workforce.

VII. Recognizing and Rewarding Employee Achievements

A. Developing a virtual recognition program

Recognizing and rewarding remote employees’ achievements is essential for maintaining their engagement and motivation. Companies can develop a virtual employee recognition” program that allows managers and colleagues to acknowledge their peers’ accomplishments and hard work. This program can include virtual shout-outs, digital badges, or public recognition during team meetings. By celebrating employees’ achievements, organizations foster a culture of appreciation and recognition, which contributes to higher engagement and job satisfaction among remote workers.

B. Celebrating milestones and accomplishments

In addition to recognizing individual achievements, companies should also celebrate team milestones and accomplishments. This can include project completions, reaching sales targets, or achieving company-wide goals. Employers can host virtual celebrations, such as online parties, award ceremonies, or team-building activities, to mark these occasions. Celebrating these milestones together helps remote employees feel connected to the company’s success and reinforces their sense of belonging to the team.

C. Providing feedback and encouragement

Regular feedback and encouragement are vital for keeping remote employees engaged and motivated. Managers should provide constructive feedback on their team members’ performance, highlighting both areas of improvement and strengths. This feedback should be delivered in a timely manner, as well as during scheduled performance evaluations. Encouragement, employee feedback and praise for a job well done can have a significant impact on remote employees’ self-esteem and motivation, leading to higher levels of engagement and commitment to their work.

VIII. Fostering Work-Life Balance and Well-Being

A. Encouraging regular breaks and time off

Remote work can blur the boundaries between work and personal life, leading to burnout and decreased productivity. To address this challenge, companies can encourage their remote teams to take regular breaks and time off. This can include setting expectations around work hours, encouraging employees to take lunch breaks, and promoting a culture of self-care and work-life balance.

B. Offering mental health support and resources

Remote work can also lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, particularly for employees who are accustomed to working in a physical office environment. To address this challenge, companies can offer mental health support and resources, such as access to teletherapy or mental health apps. Additionally, companies can encourage team members to connect with each other regularly and foster a culture of openness and support.

C. Promoting healthy habits and self-care

Remote work can make it challenging for employees to prioritize healthy habits and self-care. To address this challenge, companies can promote healthy habits and self-care by offering wellness programs or resources, such as virtual fitness classes or healthy eating tips. Additionally, companies can encourage employees to take breaks throughout the day to stretch, meditate, or engage in other self-care activities.

By fostering work-life balance and well-being in a remote setting, companies can improve employee engagement, productivity, and overall well-being. Additionally, promoting healthy habits and self-care can contribute to a positive company culture and help remote teams feel connected and supported, even when working from different locations.

IX. Organizing Virtual Team-Building Activities

Virtual team-building events can help remote teams feel connected and engaged, even when working from different locations. These events provide an opportunity for team members to get to know each other on a personal level, build trust and rapport, and foster a sense of community and belonging.

A. Ideas for engaging remote team-building activities

Virtual team-building activities can take many forms, depending on the needs and interests of the team. Some ideas for engaging remote team-building activities include:

  • Virtual happy hours: Team members can connect over a drink or snack in a relaxed and informal setting.
  • Online games: Team members can participate in online games or challenges, such as trivia or escape rooms, to build teamwork and problem-solving skills.
  • Virtual tours: Teams can participate in virtual tours of museums or landmarks, exploring new places and learning together.
  • Workshops or training sessions: Teams can participate in virtual workshops or training sessions to build skills and knowledge together.

B. Encouraging participation and collaboration

To ensure the success of virtual team-building activities, it is essential to encourage participation and collaboration among team members. This can include setting clear expectations for participation, establishing a positive and supportive culture, and providing opportunities for team members to contribute and share their ideas.

By organizing engaging virtual team-building activities and promoting participation and collaboration, companies can foster a sense of community and connection among remote teams, improving engagement, and productivity. Additionally, virtual team-building activities can contribute to a positive company culture and help remote teams feel connected and supported, even when working from different locations.


In conclusion, keeping a remote team engaged can be challenging, but it is essential for maintaining productivity and overall team satisfaction. By adopting the tips outlined in this article, including effective communication strategies, fostering work-life balance and well-being, and organizing virtual team-building activities, companies can improve engagement, build trust and rapport, and create a positive company culture in a remote setting. By prioritizing team engagement in a remote work environment, companies can set their teams up for success and contribute to a productive, efficient, and satisfying remote work experience.

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